Monday, October 14, 2024

The River - Step on in!

Elizabeth River, Virginia
Life over the past six or so years has been difficult. The doctor says I am disabled due to a chronic migraine-like headache. It presents something like a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Reading, writing, mental focus, and screen-time are virtually impossible for more than a few chunks of an hour each day. I am waiting for my healing!

I have taken to listening to the audio bible, voice-to-text for writing, and AI.  

Somewhere in the last year, I served at a church which provides meals for the poor and homeless. It's a small event and lasts about 45 minutes. In order to get a meal, participants listen to a short worship set and a five to ten minute message -- a sermonette. Then we end by praying for anyone who desires it.

I enjoy praying for others but was asked to deliver a short message. As I noted earlier, it's a challenge to study, compose, and even speak without an occasional stutter. I felt the Lord speak the word river. I recalled a time where I preached at a church outside in Brazil. Favelas are informal settlements that are often located on the outskirts of large cities. There are no buildings, but more of an encampment. 

Why would the Lord want to speak about the river in such dire living conditions?

I pulled out my phone during worship and searched on "river." The Lord highlighted all of these things found in the river. It was quite fascinating. In the Bible, rivers often symbolize a range of spiritual and theological concepts. Here are several key symbols associated with rivers, along with relevant Bible verses:

1. Life and Abundance

Rivers are often depicted as sources of life and nourishment, representing abundance and blessings from God.

Psalm 1:3: “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever he does prospers.”

Revelation 22:1 “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.”

2. God's Provision

Rivers can symbolize God's provision for His people, providing water for sustenance and life.

Isaiah 41:18 “I will open rivers on the bare heights, and springs in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.”

Psalm 46:4 “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.”

3. Cleansing and Renewal

Rivers can represent cleansing, renewal, and the washing away of sin.

Ezekiel 36:25 “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.”

John 7:38 “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

4. Judgement

In some instances, rivers symbolize judgment or destruction, as seen in the context of God’s wrath.

Revelation 16:4 “The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood.”

Exodus 7:17 “This is what the Lord says: ‘By this you will know that I am the Lord: With the staff that is in my hand, I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood.’”

5. Spiritual Journey and Transformation

Rivers can also symbolize a spiritual journey, reflecting the path of life and transformation in faith.

Psalm 107:35 “He turns a desert into pools of water, and a parched land into springs of water.”

Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.”

6. Salvation
Exodus 2 salvation was found in the river by Moses.

7. A Place of Prayer

In Acts 13, the river was a place of prayer. 

8. Endless Supply

Ecclesiastes 1: "all the rivers run into the sea, and it isn’t supply because the sea is not full"

9. Miracles

The river was site of miracles.

Exodus 7: Aaron struck the water with his staff, and the water turned to blood.

Joshua 3: God made the Jordan River stop flowing so that the Israelites could walk across on dry land. The priests were told to step into the river with the Ark of the Covenant, and then the people followed.

2 Kings 6:1-7: While building a new dwelling, a disciple's ax head falls into the Jordan River. Then Elisha cuts a piece of wood and throws it into the water, causing the iron ax head to float.

10. Peace

In 2 Samuel 30, David was at peace by the river after a battle. 

11. God's Heavenly Presence

Isaiah 33 the Lord, will be with us in majesty at the river..

12. Refreshing

The river is refreshing.

Ezekiel 47:6-12 A river that brings healing and life to all living things, wherever it flows

13. Power

The river has power. Judges 5:21 the river swept away the Canaanite fighters during a battle with the enemies of Israel.  Here we can find strength and power in the River of God.

The river serves as powerful metaphors for understanding God's relationship with humanity and His continual provision and care.

When will I write again? I have no idea. Keep an eye out on Facebook.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Greater Anointing - Excerpt From Darkness to Light

1 John 2:27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit - just as it has taught you, remain in him. NIV 

My good friend Pastor Steve held a series of meetings with a minister by the name of Larry Lambert. I attended all of them as a participant. I didn’t really like the pastor/minister title/role thing at all. I just loved Jesus and desired to do whatever He asked me to do. I didn't need a title. I really enjoyed the meetings with Larry.

His meetings were exciting - a little crazy might be a better description! Signs and wonders began to manifest in various ways.

At one, we could smell Easter lilies and frankincense. Later on, people were laughing and rolling on the floor, others were just laying in the presence of God. It was exciting, deep, healing, and magnificent all at the same time. Larry also had a great sense of humor and his love for God and people was easily perceived. Asking people to stand and count to  three, or say, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” At the end of their simple “task,” the power of God would fall on them in a powerful way.  I’d never seen anything like it. I wasn’t skeptical, however, it was definitely out of my realm of experience. Nothing like this had ever happened in my church!

The next night he asked us to pray in the spirit with the person next to us. I took my best friend's hands, and he hit the floor and rolled under the chairs. I took the hands of another woman seated next to me. The same happened to her. After four or five fell under the power, there was no one nearby left for me to pray with. I stood and enjoyed the presence of God.

The meeting went on with teaching, ministry, and worship.

Eventually it was very late and sadly I went home before it ended. I felt so good from the previous evening, I just had to be there for the next one. After the worship music ended, they made an announcement that NO ONE was going to pray for others during the meeting. Somehow, I knew they were talking about me. I felt terrible. I wanted to share Jesus with everyone. I had a couple of choices, A) be offended because I was only trying to pray with folks, not for them. B) Leave the meeting or C) Ask God to forgive me, and see what happened. I chose C, and enjoyed the meeting. During the ministry time, I went and quietly asked Larry Lambert to forgive me for what had happened. His daughter was busy prophesying over those at the altar. He was very kind, and with a big grin, said, “don’t worry about it. Jesus loves you, and so do I.”

It was a heartwarming moment.

Becky was still ministering at the altar when I decided to get in line. Everyone was falling down, despite her warning against “courtesy drops.” She prayed for me, and I was still standing. She called her dad over from his seat in the front row, and said, “I need you to pray for this man tonight, Dad.”

He said, “Lord, you just give David everything that you have for him tonight. Lord, give him a double portion of your Spirit and impart to him the gifting that you’ve given me.” I went sailing to the floor. It is always difficult to describe what God does in these moments. Therefore, I won’t try.

At the next meeting, he asked me to stand in the aisle about 40 feet from the platform. I was thinking that I was safe from the power of his anointing. “Did you have a good meeting last night?” he asked.

“Yes.” I said, smiling.

“That’s good, that’s really good. We enjoyed having you there too.” Then he pointed to me, and said. “Lord, you just let David have a good time tonight, too.” Like a giant bowling ball, the Spirit of the Lord came down the center aisle and knocked me down like a 10-pin. While I was lying there, I heard the voice of the Lord. “I am anointing you for greater works.”

I couldn’t begin to imagine what God had in store for me.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Battle Against Cancer

In the late fall of 2013, my doctor suspected that I had prostate cancer. I did what everyone else does and had a PSA test as well as a very unpleasant transrectal needle biopsy (TRUS). The results came back after what seemed like a lifetime, and they I had a malignant lesion. Although surgery was the urologist's initial option, I was also referred to a radiation oncologist.

It was an emotionally difficult time. I met with a well-known Boston surgeon who informed me that I could schedule my radical prostatectomy at the checkout desk after our consultation. I was perplexed and alone. Planning on running the Boston Marathon in April of 2014, surgery would have to wait a bit longer than the six or so weeks.

I made the appointment.

I also made an appointment with radiation oncology. It was at the same building where I had spent six days in the cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) a few years earlier after suffering from congestive heart failure. He asked where my wife was as I was alone. I didn't really respond. We talked about my cancer. 

He determined that I was too young for radiotherapy, leaving me with the prior option.

I flipped through the post-operative advice I had gotten from the surgeon while working at my desk. It was depressing. There was nothing there to make me feel better. Nothing. My thoughts, bordering on denial, I researched everything I could find to avoid what seemed inevitable. 

I awoke one morning and the Lord directed me to contact the radiation oncologist. I inquired whether there were any other treatment possibilities. There is one, and it is known as active surveillance. He provided me the name of a Boston surgeon who was conducting research for Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Beth Israel Hospital.

Dr. Chang reread my pathology (which was wrong) and said that Gleason 3+3 was indolent and was not considered cancer by certain specialists. Regardless, he was going to be very active in monitoring my illness.

It was comforting that I did not have to have surgery right away!

I had heard my pastor speak a word about not responding to the "fear of cancer." I cancelled my surgery date and did my best to live each day without fear. In many ways I was successful. I ran the Boston

Marathon in April and then Chicago in October. The next year I ran New York City.

I continued to make regular visits to the healing rooms, too. Under the watchful eye of my doctor, my disease seemed to stand still. Except for the days following a blood test or a biopsy, I seemed to be able to live a normal life.

Then, suddenly, everything changed. "More alarming," according to Dr. Chang.

I decided to have an MRI and see exactly where this cancer was. My PI-RADS scores, a method of statistically grading the lesions, was 5; the most likely to be malignant. Determined to beat cancer, I continued to run, pray, and take care of myself.

After four years, I was able to isolate (compartmentalize) my treatment and the emotions that surrounded it. The summer of 2017 I moved to Virginia and continued my active surveillance with a new practice. I went for my quarterly PSA tests, follow up exams, and yearly pelvic MRI.

My disease seemed to stay the same.

I attended the healing rooms from time to time. I completed Berlin 2016, London 2017, and Tokyo 2018, becoming an Abbott World Major Marathon Six Star finisher. I had an MRI in in 2019 and again in the summer of 2020. They both showed no change in the progression of my disease.

In the winter of 2020, my PSA skyrocketed.

The doctor said it was probably nothing and we would retest. Double my normal PSA, I insisted on an MRI which revealed a new tumor. I immediately had another needle biopsy. I waited a week or so for results.

The new tumor was Gleason 4+4 and an aggressive form.

The surgeon recommended surgery, which I refused. I was denied radiation by my insurance company. They would approve an outdated and low-quality radiation which had the potential to cause other cancer in the future. I refused that, too. In addition, I also refused chemo and hormone therapy.

I headed to the healing rooms again.

Each week the faithful would pray, laying hands on me and anointing me with oil. I went week after week. In the mean time I heard about a new treatment that available. It had virtually none of the side effects of a radical prostatectomy and was safer than radiation.

The cost of treatment was $33,500.

I paid $800 for a consult. In reviewing the past MRIs, the imaging showed evidence of a change in the progression of my disease. I was horrified and angry. I flew to Atlanta and had a pre-treatment MRI. It reset my CSF shunt, completely draining my cranium of fluid. I got off the plane in Norfolk and went to the ER where I passed out from the pain. I was discouraged about everything. Without the money for treatment, I called my kids in to visit. My wife and I had the talk.

Then the Lord spoke.

He told me to do a Facebook Fundraiser for $35,000! I kept praying, going to the healing rooms, and expecting a miracle. I wasn't too sure about a financial miracle. I raised $10,00 in a few days. A friend the I had prophesied over in 2001 and not spoken too since, texted me and said the Lord had me on his heart. "What's going on? The Lord said I am supposed to write a big check!" $10,000 became $20,000 and close friends gave another $10,000.

In 10 or 12 days I had the money and wired it to the treatment center.

The money kept coming, therefore our airfare was covered, our hotel and meals were covered with reward points from long-time friends. I scheduled treatment. The extra money we sent to help others pay off some of their medical debt!

Home and comfortable, I hoped cancer would be behind me for the first time since 2013! At six months, I had an MRI that showed some odd scarring and then my PSA started to rise. I went back to the healing rooms. The Lord had made a way for this and I wasn't going backwards! It was concerning enough that I had another biopsy. The doctors were certain it was cancer. The PSMA scan lit up showing disease in that same area.

It wasn't! They were PIN cells - either precancerous or post-treatment.

I wasn't particularly relieved, but my PSA went back to normal levels. They remain there. A few weeks ago, I attended the revival at the The Gate in Charlotte, North Carolina. During the pre-service prayer, a woman walked over, gently put her hand on my shoulder and prayed in the spirit. I knew she was praying for my cancer.

After a few minutes, she proclaimed, "God is closing the door on your cancer."

In addition to the prostate cancer and two bouts with colon cancer, I had 6 MOHs surgeries for Basel cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma plus two reconstructive surgeries in 12 months. The sutures on my shoulder had just fallen out a week or so before. The surgeon said it was very aggressive and in fact was twice as deadly as melanoma which I had twice before. Before our eyes, my scars began to lighten and partially disappeared. Since that day, my prostate function has been better than it has been since my treatment in 2021!

Soon, I will have tests and hope to have medical proof of my complete healing.

Monday, February 6, 2023

The Doorkeeper Watches Over Hearts

I was conversing with a greeter at my church one day. A young man entered, carrying a small girl. She appeared to be about five years old. He was with a woman, and they both smelled of cigarettes. It was not a judgement, but rather an observation. The greeter said hi and cordially welcomed them.

In most churches, this is rather normal.

I wrote about greeters years ago. You can find them by following the labels. I met a greeter at a church I'd never gone to before yesterday, and it reminded me of this story.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me about the young couple. Their daughter suffered from an atrial septal defect. God revealed to me that it was a hole between the chambers of the heart. My daughter had it, too. I engaged the couple. "What is the name of your little girl?" I inquired.

It's been a long time, and all I remember is the father's name. He informed me their names, as well as the name of his girlfriend. "Is everything all right with her heart?" I inquired.

Both parents' eyes welled up with tears. "No, she has a problem that requires surgery to repair a hole in her heart. We're scared to death." her father explained. "We were going to the Catholic Church to ask prayer for healing and decided to come here when we spotted the Faith Worship sign out front," he added. More sobs.

I prayed boldly for the little girl, and God assured us all that He would cure her without surgery! After the service, they also took her for altar ministry. The couple attended church on a regular basis. Every week, I looked for them. The little child had been healed. Their faith got stronger. They were persuaded to marry by the priest. They quit smoking at a healing service and joined the children's ministry, where they remain to this day! That was almost a decade ago.

Keep an eye out for folks that show up at church. You could be the one to bring heaven to earth!

Monday, January 30, 2023

Social Media Links

For the latest blogs, book publishing information and other ministry information, here are the social media links.





Until the books are ready, this is the website.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Here Comes the Judge - How Do We Know It's God?

If you are like me, once you have seen a real prophetic person minister, you wanted to see what God would say to you. Think about it, there are lots of decisions to make in your life, and you’ve asked God for wisdom but you still have lots of decisions to make. Well, join the club. As we walk out our salvation, we come to many crossroads; it’s a natural part of life.

I think the perceptions of most church folks, when it comes to the prophetic fall into one of the following categories.

-1 That it is ancient history – I haven’t thought about God sending someone to speak over me.

-2 I know there is prophecy, but it is rare, not very personal. And it’s too general.

-3 Prophecy can only be encouraging so anything negative is not God.

-4 It happens, but it won’t happen to me. God has more important work.

-5 It’s been abused and misused, therefore it is really just too much trouble.

-6 Prophecy is a way of life for the Christian and should be for the church.

-7 The supernatural gifts ended with the apostles' deaths.

I am going to assume that you are interested in what a prophecy is, or what it might be like but I will spare the stories of how blessed I have been by prophecies. I am a 6! But I have been 1 through 5 at some point in my walk. I have never been a 7!

First, prophecy can be as simple as a Bible verse that is made personal and meaningful to you. Logos becoming rhema. My wife and I went to hear a speaker, and while he was preaching he said these words. “You, did you know, you are in the Army of God?” (1 Chronicles 12:22) And as he said it, he pointed to my wife. It was personal, and powerful. It was God speaking to her.

Other times I have seen a much more direct and accurate form of prophecy. There are those called out of an audience by name. This was by men who did not know the recipients at all. Their prophecy was to simply speak a destiny - that which is not as though it is. I had a pastor that was originally from Iceland and the prophet couldn't pronounce his name, so he spelled it! He prophesied his brief US pastorship and a move back to his home country. The prophecy took about 6 years to come to pass but every word was perfectly accurate.

So, what would you do if God had someone speak a word over you? Run out and make it happen, be so skeptical that it would be meaningless, or fall somewhere in between? They are good questions, don't you think?

Here are some steps and suggestions for judging prophecy and prophetic words whether they are for you personally, for your small group or even your church. And yes, Virginia, some folks still prophesy over nations.

-1 Write it Down!
Most meetings that I have been to, the words are recorded to hold the minister accountable, as well as provide the recipient with a record of what God is speaking to them. In more intimate settings, this is not always the case. Whatever the situation, write down everything! Think of it like a personal Bible passage – you’d want to get every nuance of the utterance, and prophecy is the same. If it's God, you'll want to pull it out every so often. 

Jeremiah 36:2 Take a scroll and write on it all the words I have spoken to you.

Once the “word” is written down, you take away the inflection and accent of the speaker. Some prophetic people have a personal style of delivery. Jeremiah, for instance, was the “weeping” prophet. Others in the kingdom have some odd deliveries which can be somewhat distracting. I know one fellow who sings them over you. The music is beautiful, but it is hard to hear both the music and words. Just remember the water sometimes tastes like the pipe (prophetic person).

-2 Check the Scriptures!
As you read it over, check to make sure that the word does not contain any scriptural contradictions. I would dismiss a word if it was going to take me consciously committing a sin, to have it come to pass. Scripture is the final authority and anything that contradicts scripture must be rejected!

Does the word exalt and glorify Jesus? (John 16:13-14; Rev. 19:10) Does the word edify the church?

But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men (1 Cor. 14:3)

Sometimes there is comfort in coming clean and repenting.

Beware, just because a word makes you feel uncomfortable, doesn’t mean that God is not intending for you to grow into it. I taught my kids math in anticipation that they would one day go to college.

-3 Check with God!
Look for the inner witness of the Holy Spirit. If you are accustomed to having a witness to the things of God, it is a good test. If you have no experience with prophecy, what you heard/are reading may in fact, not be something that you are interested in partaking of. (Col 3:15) But I assure you, just because you don’t want to marry a pastor, or be a missionary in Guatemala, doesn’t mean that God isn’t setting you up for a change of heart. I’m just saying. Be sure to highlight any conditions. IE: God will, if you will. If you don’t do your part, God doesn’t have to do His part, now does He? If it passes the smell test, read and meditate upon the word.

-4 Track Record and Prophetic Character!
Who is it that gave this word to/in the church, or spoke it over you? Do they have a track record of accuracy and humility? A good pastor, instead of worrying about abuse - he will build a file on the prophetic person recording his words, their accuracy, and the ones that come to pass. It shouldn’t take long to see what type of gifting and anointing prophetic people have. Beware, not all prophetic people are of the best character (nor are pastors, and evangelists!). Do not discount the fact that God can use a donkey to deliver a word if needed.

-5 Praying It Through!
If God’s word is your destiny, then make warfare! I don’t know what your prayer life is like, but a prophetic word can supercharge it. I often read mine back to the Lord and then meditate on what He might be saying. The prophecy becomes my prayer script. In the early days, I received some stuff that seemed damn near impossible. But because it had passed tests 2 and 3, I had to consider it.

It is often in this step where God may point out some changes that you need to make to line up with the word. If you are going to run a marathon for God, then maybe it is time to quit smoking. You get the idea.

Ask Him to show you if any parts of the word are not from Him and to confirm the parts that are from Him. I have received a few words over the years that were so very much Him - with one sentence that didn’t make sense then, and still doesn’t today. Don’t reject something because of one part. The prophecy is subject to the prophet - and sometimes they miss things. Pastors preach bad sermons too. It happens.

-6 Life Context!
Compare the word against other things God has spoken to you maybe in prior prophecies, personal prayer times and other forms of godly input. Sometimes prophecies create a burden, other times they confirm one. Is this new, or another nudge in the direction you already know you should be taking?

Do nothing different until you are definitely directed by God. Be sure to remove all hindrances to receiving the promise. I once had a new job with a start date. It was my dream job. I received a word NOT to take it. It was hard. It was God. The circumstances of my life would have been a disaster. Life context is not always the easy road.

-7 Wait!
You do not always need to act immediately on a word from the Lord. Sometimes we need to wait for Him; for His timing and for circumstances to present themselves. This is especially true of predictive, directive or calling/gifting words. God is faithful! He will confirm it to you. He won't call you to do something which He will not empower you to do. Be certain, you may not feel prepared, but that only means you'll have to rely on God. Isn't' what faith is all about? The “when  we are weak…” clause.

Allow God to form your character in the process. Prophetic words are exciting. Who you become as a result is much more important. 

-8 Don’t Think, Respond!
We need to respond to God’s word, not carry them out. It is easy to try to conform our lives to a word when what we need to do is conform ourselves to the image of Christ. Then we can let destiny unfold before us. Do not "read into" the word what you want it to say. I had a friend that was in a meeting and his girlfriend received a prophetic word about getting married. She thought it was him, but he was dumping her that night. It was a rough evening for both of them. About a year later she met her husband and is very happy - it's  funny to all of us now.

I once received a word about my kids coming to live with me after my nreakup. Each time I went to court for a custody hearing, nothing happened. It didn't happen until they graduated High School. It was disappointing at first, but not wrong.

1 Thessalonians 5:19 Do not put out the Spirit's fire; 20 do not treat prophecies with contempt.  21 Test everything. Hold on to the good.  22 Avoid every kind of evil.

Is it God?

Receive God’s promise in faith and look for the signs that things are coming together for you to step into your destiny.

Hebrews 4:2 For indeed the good news came to us just as to them; but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened.

There are a few things that can keep you from getting a word or having one come to pass in your life.

Attitude – Bad attitudes about spiritual gifts or the style of the prophecy may hinder you from what God actually wants. And if the word seems like it would take a miracle to get you there, remember God does miracles.

Bad theology - It is wrong to think that there are no spiritual gifts today. There is too much ink in the Bible, too many folks that have the real deal. Think I am wrong? Well, take it up with God and search it out like treasure.

Sin – Sometimes personal sin can significantly delay, or in some cases negate your destiny. This is particularly true of addictions and sexual impurity. Sin has consequences. The inverse is also true. Sometimes people that are in sin can still deliver prophetic words that are accurate and godly. No, I don't know why.

Prophecy in church services and gatherings are pretty well covered in 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14 - well unless you tore those pages out of your Bible.

Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge (1 Cor. 14:29)

By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established. (2 Cor. 13:1)

Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

And finally: God sometimes allows false or misguided people to speak to test and humble you (2 Chronicles 18). They may speak of great things. They still need to be tested. God sometimes even allows true prophets to give a purposely misleading word (Psalm 18:26).

In the end, it is your relationship with God that will help you judge a prophecy for you, your church, or even the country you live in.

Be filled with the spirit, love others and earnestly desire the gifts - especially prophecy.

Originally written, Thursday, May 13, 2010