A few weeks ago the pastor at the church urged us to write a letter to the person that helped us in our journey to find Christ. The one is to the man that most influenced my complete abandon to Jesus.
David Johndrow
Cape Cod, MA
June 2006
Dear JD,
I hope this letter finds you well.
The reason that I am writing, is this. Today our pastor was talking about evangelism and he asked us to think about how we got saved. During his talk he reminded us how God had first pursued us; most likely using someone else, as opposed to a divine encounter such as the one which Paul had on the road to Damascus. I began think about how the road to my salvation unfolded, and continues to do so.
As the pastor spoke, he gave us an assignment, which was to write a letter to the one that made that most impact in our decision for Christ—in my life that was you. There were others involved in the process from Cursillo. But it was you who said the words that made me believe in Jesus. Possibly you remember the struggle I had with all of this.
I hope that you’ll indulge me for a moment while I recount the story. In 1978 I came to believe. Then there was the first Cursillo which was a disaster for me. Before the second Cursillo, you and I talked for hours—possibly days. You patiently told me about Jesus. At some point you said, “Just believe and He will meet you where you are.” Silently, quietly, as I lay in bed one night, He did. I suppose it would be fine if the story ended there, but it doesn’t.
You encouraged me to read 9 o’Clock in the Morning, and gave me a copy too! I wanted faith like that, faith that believed in the supernatural. With the help of Father Hank, I became baptized in the Holy Spirit. You were there when I gave the Study rollo on my third Cursillo. I am not sure if you are aware, but that same day God called me into ministry. I didn't really get it then, but I do today.
The Lord led me to the mission fields of southern New England, Brazil, and Norway. In Brazil I preached to 18,000 people in 21 days. Thousands received prayer, got healed and came to know Jesus. There is so much more I have had the privilege of being a “vessel in the Kingdom” to do.
So, thank you JD for being the most important messenger of God to me.
In awe of the Master,
David Johndrow
Cape Cod, MA
June 2006
Dear JD,
I hope this letter finds you well.
The reason that I am writing, is this. Today our pastor was talking about evangelism and he asked us to think about how we got saved. During his talk he reminded us how God had first pursued us; most likely using someone else, as opposed to a divine encounter such as the one which Paul had on the road to Damascus. I began think about how the road to my salvation unfolded, and continues to do so.
As the pastor spoke, he gave us an assignment, which was to write a letter to the one that made that most impact in our decision for Christ—in my life that was you. There were others involved in the process from Cursillo. But it was you who said the words that made me believe in Jesus. Possibly you remember the struggle I had with all of this.
I hope that you’ll indulge me for a moment while I recount the story. In 1978 I came to believe. Then there was the first Cursillo which was a disaster for me. Before the second Cursillo, you and I talked for hours—possibly days. You patiently told me about Jesus. At some point you said, “Just believe and He will meet you where you are.” Silently, quietly, as I lay in bed one night, He did. I suppose it would be fine if the story ended there, but it doesn’t.
You encouraged me to read 9 o’Clock in the Morning, and gave me a copy too! I wanted faith like that, faith that believed in the supernatural. With the help of Father Hank, I became baptized in the Holy Spirit. You were there when I gave the Study rollo on my third Cursillo. I am not sure if you are aware, but that same day God called me into ministry. I didn't really get it then, but I do today.
The Lord led me to the mission fields of southern New England, Brazil, and Norway. In Brazil I preached to 18,000 people in 21 days. Thousands received prayer, got healed and came to know Jesus. There is so much more I have had the privilege of being a “vessel in the Kingdom” to do.
So, thank you JD for being the most important messenger of God to me.
In awe of the Master,