While the woman, like hundreds of other survivors, morns the loss of a life. Here is what else I find amazing about this story passing by in the "Breaking News" segment. In our state alone, there was an abortion almost every 21 minutes in 2002; 25,249 in all! Read the stats for yourself HERE. Stunning!
When we look at what our laws really call illegal in these instances, we should easily be able to see the hypocrisy. On one hand, a man sits in jail for violent murder with a gun. On the other, a woman receives a violent medical treatment. In both cases the end result is murder. Unless of course, unborn babies are not babies. (See Psalms 139:13 for God's perspective of when life begins.) So which is it? I know, it's a debate that has been taken up since 1973. The truth is there are no winners in abortion or murder.
So how did we get in this mess? A court in Texas decided for Roe in the controversial Roe vs. Wade case on January 22, 1973. (Which ironically is the same day of the month my daughter was born.) We have called the then, young woman Roe for so long most of us have never seen her face or know her name. Her real name is Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe") . I believe in she is 59 now. You may read her story and see her picture HERE (she is also pictured above at her baptism).
Now, let's ratchet up our total amazement of Roe vs. Wade. Ms. McCorvey became a born again Christian and tried to have the judgment reversed saying, she had a "change of heart," yet the court would not accept the case! Why? Because the case has been the precedent in which 50 states and the US Supreme Court have made other judgments. It would have been a house of cards for every court in every state in the US!
And here is what I find most intriguing in a spiritual sense. Two times in Biblical history we see that in order to keep the Jews from proliferating as a people; the bringers of salvation... once in the Old and once in the New Testament, Pharaoh's and Kings ruled that every baby should be put to death. In the time of Moses God preserved him, a Jew. In the time of Jesus, the King decreed the same in hopes of killing the King of the Jews before he could mature. We know that he failed in his mission. I see the parallel, don't' you?
So, here is one more stunning facet to this story. One of the reason that Ms. McCorvey was not taken all that seriously was that she had changed her mind since she became a Christian. No one said that in her official court papers, but the sentiment was heard around the country. She was called a religious nut, a kooky born again Christian. I find it sad that woman became much more of what God intended her to be and others regarded her as the same radical young woman that she was in 1973. Sad, very sad.
The good news? Jesus changes people... sometimes quickly and some times slowly. Thank God for that!