That's right, we will do what Jesus did -- and even greater things!
Why is it that in most churches have sustained a Gospel that seems to only perpetuate the central truth of Christianity (salvation by faith), and not much else? I am sure there are some churches that are seeing the fruit of the supernatural hand of God - while others wouldn't recognize God if He showed up with cherubim and seraphim.
We must get past making decisions for Christ, and start doing what Jesus did! Even a man who has a ticket to a faraway island gets off the plane once he arrives!
Our salvation is not complete. We get saved by the faith changing moment, we are being saved as the new man is released from the grave clothes, and we will be saved when we arrive prostrate on the sea of glass (Rev 15:2) before the throne of the Most High. Until then, the Kingdom of God is at hand - and one of the ways that we know it by a supernatural God, doing what man can't using a vessel like you.
Luke 10:9(b) ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’
What about you, is your salvation producing fruit by lovingly doing what Jesus did? What is keeping you from doing what Jesus did: fear, bad theology, laziness, lack of faith, under poor leadership-- what?
Getting out there isn't hard. I went to church with a woman who would regularly go and sit in the chairs near the prescription counter at the local drug store just to find sick people to pray for! She had lots of testimonies.
There was another woman that got free day-old bread at the local supermarket and went to the projects knocking on doors handing it out and inviting folks to church. Through her ministry dozens came to church, got saved and some filled with the Holy Spirit.
A worship leader I knew took a small team to nursing homes just to play old hymns and look for fertile soil to plant seeds of salvation. Again, more souls saved and some folks healed.
Yours truly invites everyone in the neighborhood to an open house at Thanksgiving time.
Have you thought about your faith, and how God might use it? Do you have faith for healing a cold, for healing a broken bone or cancer? Could you really bring someone to Christ, or pray for them to received the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Our faith needs to know no bounds - if you want to see people raised from the dead, bring the dead to church or hold services at the funeral home. That should raise the odds!
We live in the WWJD generation, so let's take a look at what He did not just how He acted.
- He built intimate friendships
- He healed the sick
- He cast our demons
- He wept with compassion
- He slept through the storm
- He encouraged others
- He applauded faith
- He let the religious people know where they stood
- He taught
- He studied
- He prophesied
- He used the word of knowledge
- He calmed the storm
- He gave peace
- He gave joy
- He forgave sin
- He raised the dead
- He fed the poor
- He had compassion on widows
- He hung out with prostitutes, corrupt politicians and the deathly ill
- He fed the hungry
- He gave drink to the thirsty
- He gave His life
That's what Jesus did, any questions?
Through faith in the Lord and love we can move mountains, raise the dead, heal the sick, and win souls to Christ. The big question is who has that kind of un compromising faith and love?
Another question is why is it the un believers seeking answers and help are often overlooked or ignored by the churches?
I am working with a group of 100 families trying to bring them into Gods grace but it has not been easy. Most fail to understand God's grace or refuse from prior experiences with in the churches they once attended. Some are just so fried from drugs they cannot change or want to.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force one to drink.
Yes, because of His great goodness and grace to me, I daily think about how He wants to use me.
I try to be aware of the people around me in daily life and how God would want to use me in their lives. Sometimes I get too caught up in my own stuff and miss out.
We all have different gifts. My husband John, definitely is an evangelist. We've only been married 4yrs and one of my favorite stories about him is how, when we were out hiking during our honey moon, we started talking with this young woman who was out by herself - well it wasn't long before she was down on her knees praying to receive Jesus into her heart as Savior and to dedicate her life to following Him. I really enjoy hospitality; anyone who is our neighbor, or has worked on our home at some point, or who I've met through my kids activities, etc. gets invited over to our home to share in a family meal or BBQ party. Those shared meals always seem to lead to opportunities to share about our lives, to pray for people.
I admire the gifts God has given to other people; am even intimidated by some people like the lady you mention who is praying over people at the prescription counter to be healed. I'm grateful when God chooses to use me.
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