Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Boxing Day . . .

. . . Or Happy I Ate Too Much Yesterday Day; depending on where you are from. The sizzle of Christmas is over for most of us. The heightened awareness of giving has subsided - there is still a bit of mess in the living room as daughter number 3 has tried to find her favorite Christmas toy - leaving some unfavorites in a pile. She slept with her new American Girl Doll, "Star" and has already put on her first concert for mom and dad. Please hang on as I post a few random thoughts about Christmas and New Year's - eventually I'll make a point. I had prime rib and pecan pie for breakfast - oh and Mary Anne shared her chocolates - a Christmas miracle. The post office never delivered the Christmas gifts I bought online for the older girls. It wouldn't be a big deal, but I only got them one. The Post Office said they tried to deliver them on the 24th and left a notice - they lied. I filed a complaint. Can't wait for their health care to come online. How about you? I was trying to remember what I did on this day last year. Turns out I wrote this Blog about the spiritual gifts. I was also working on a book that I had hoped to have published last Spring, but I lost my job and it is still unfinished. Today is my brother's birthday - kinda stinks being so close to Christmas and all. You'll also find a lot of predictions and sermons about 2010 this week. You probably can't remember what God was supposed to/going to do in '09. I can't either. So, I don't know if He did it. I haven't perished yet. You may have a resolution for the New Year; something that you want to do bettering yourself or your family. I say go for it! Personally, I haven't had one that really went well. I tried to quit smoking a few times, but it took and act of God to make that one stick. HERE'S that story. As I reflect on yesterday, here is what I am thinking. I got a cool present from Mary Anne - an iPod dock; some place for me to put my 91 days of music and videos. It was nice to wake up and spend some time with Mary Anne before the 6-year-old came bounding in shouting, "It's Christmas!" That is a joy that doesn't last long. How much fun it is to see my little one and her mom so enjoy a few gifts on Christmas morning. It brought a tear to my eye. They are a blessing. Then there was the teenager; moody over a disappointing Christmas Eve with her mom. It isn't easy being a child of divorce. I did remind her how proud I was when she sang Silent Night in the school Christmas pageant all those years ago, the one in which she wore a gold sequined evening gown. It helped turn the corner on her sadness. Today is Boxing Day or Tape Day or Ribbon Day - I was never sure where the name came from. It just sounds like something that you would do to clean up after Christmas. However; traditionally, it is a day to give to the poor. Did you? Have you thought about the poor? Not just the poor in 3rd world nations like Brazil or Cambodia. Today I am thinking about the poor in spirit. The ones that have not been able to get traction in their Christian walk because of a bunch of factors: some in the church, and some in the spiritual realms. I am thinking about millions of believers that have been hurt, wounded and in some cases left for dead in our churches. I am thinking about the ones that have messed up and been judged by those around them - no second chance, no restoration. I am thinking of the ones that are hoping that someone will call, someone will care, someone will open their home for a visit or some other from of unselfish love. Hmmm... I just received a real postal Christmas Card from someone in my online prayer group as I was writing this. I got one from a buddy who blogs with me over at Kingdom Bloggers the other day - family photo - man those guys are a handsome family. Neither of them have I met. Interestingly - no cards from anyone at church. I guess I'm more palatable online. I just need one question answered, isn't there anyone that you know that needs you? Why don't you make that a resolution? Why not start today and get a head start? And then do it again to tomorrow and by New Year's you'll have something to celebrate.

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