This past weekend Part II of the
5-Fold School of Ministry was held in Massachusetts. We had a variety of speakers and gifting. For those that were there, you know how powerful Craig Moore, Jonathan Gale, Dan Roberts and Mark Sanchez were.
As we looked more deeply into the role of the evangelist, the teacher and the apostle, a shift in the atmosphere was taking place.
In the midst of all that was going on, here is some insight that I decided to preach at a small church this past Saturday night. It is in note from - but I think you'll be able to get the gist of where I was going, and what I believe that God is doing here in my neck of the woods.
Restoration of the Apostolic Church
The Church is to be the spotless bride (Ephesians 5:27, and so are we 2 Peter 3:14) (The bride being all that have come to faith over the ages)
Can we agree that we are not quite there yet?
As Jesus walked with the apostles, the revelation of who He was grew, and it is growing today.
The church has had many seasons of revival in various locations. These were not
One Hit Wonders.
All along God has been building something – a church, a bride, a perfect expression of Jesus.
If we look back over the past few decades [Here in the US], here is what happened.
We had The Jesus Movement brought the gospel to the streets. (1960s)
We had the Charismatic renewal in the Catholic and Episcopal Church. (Late 1970s/80s)
We had the Word of Faith movement that grounded us in the word. (1980s)
We had the Vineyard movement which brought us the believer’s ministry. (1990s)
We had the Prophetic Renewal movement in Kansas City (Late 1990s)
We had Toronto that brought us power. (Late 1990s)
We had Brownsville that brought us Evangelism. (Late 1990s)
Then we had a sort of Apostolic Renewal – in some ways we are still in it. (Late 1990s)
This is the age of the foundation of the Apostle and Prophet. 2012!
Ephesians 2:20 You are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself the chief Cornerstone
It is dangerous work!
Luke 11:49 For this reason also the wisdom of God said, I will send them prophets and apostles, [some] of whom they will put to death and persecute…
We are getting a new foundation to support the future work of the church!
This is the age of the Apostle and prophet working together to build foundation s for the living breathing organism known as the church of Jesus Christ. This is the church which the gates of Hell cannot prevail.
As we long for revival, and old moves of God, he is building a foundation for the pastor, the teacher and the Evangelist to place the church – his beloved bride on!
This new age (Greek anos) will have a solid foundation, and be identified with teams of nameless believers doing the will of the Father.
This new age will see teams that travel in 2, 3s 4s and 5s! It will be about the Kingdom, not about ministry!
The difference between a formula and model is this. The formula is a patterned way of working, while a model is a principled way of working.
Antioch is a good example of these apostolic principals at work.
Antioch appears 21 times in the NIV.
The Church in Antioch was the first church outside of Jerusalem.
Spread due to persecution, not planted by an Apostle. (Acts 11:19)
There was evangelism. (Acts 11:20)
after which it was visited by the Apostles. (Acts 11:26)
and then the Prophets. (Acts 11:27)
followed by the Teachers. (Acts 13:1)
there was an established building for meeting. (Acts 13:14)
Elders were appointed (Pastor). (Acts 15:22)
In it we will see what it is that sets us apart from religion!
-1 Healing: I am inspired by the testimonies that came from the Expecting Miracles event at one of the churches I attend. They made testimony videos of people that came with physical ailments and were healed in the name of Jesus! The is part of the inheritance we have in Christ. It is not magic; it comes through faith and prayer.
-2 Miracles: Elijah called down fire on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18) and it was AWESOME! Since man first acknowledged God, he has been performing miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit, and he still does. I have witnessed quite a few in my lifetime: Anonymous checks in the mail that met a certain need to the penny, multiplying invitations to a church meeting in Norway, and a number of others which I have written about on Fire & Grace.
-3 Revelation: The sheep know His voice! If you are one of God's sheep, then you should be hearing his voice! Wake up, God wants to speak to you if you'll take the time to learn how to listen with your spirit. (I know you've probably had a hundred sermons on hearing God's voice) It may come in prayer, or though a prophetic word, or an illuminated Bible verse, but you need to hear God. Sure, sermons are great, but if that is all you are getting, it might be time to do something different.
-4 Authority over the Demonic: In America we pretty much don't believe in the Devil or demon possession, but that doesn't make it nonexistent. Once we engage the spiritual realms and leave the realm of intellect and debate, we will engage evil spirits. Jesus said we had authority over them. Did you know that?
-5 Reckless Abandon: Are you serious about your Christianity? Are you willing to bet your life on it? We think the terrorists are extreme because they are willing to die for their cause. Well, guess what, you and I are in an army that requires that same sort of commitment. We are not suicidal, but we value the path of Jesus more than our own lives.
-6 Sacrificial Love... love is not feeding the poor, caring for the sick, or preaching a sermon. It is doing what we see the Father doing!