Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Black Hole

It seems that people are searching for something. I believe that God created us that way. We have a need for something that fills a void within our soul. Maybe you're not and addict, but what's your medication? Entertainment, money, work, food, anger, the Internet, pornography, booze, sex, collectibles, shopping, friends... honestly, what is it that you feel that you need that gets the juices flowing? Do you have enough? Why do you need more? The real question is what's missing?

Christians claim they have the answer to everything. "Jesus," they say will cure all your needs. But is that really true? I believe that it is. But wait, how come it doesn’t seem to be working. We had the Massachusetts Clergy Sex Scandal, the Ted Haggerty fall from grace and I am sure you don’t have to look far to find more. I hear the shouts now, Hypocrites!

I would ask the church these questions. If we have the answer to addiction, then why is AA so popular? If we have the answer to loneliness, they why are people going in droves to see psychologists and psychiatrists just to talk? If the church has healing, then why does it seem that everyone is taking medication? If we have the "answer," why is the church seemingly so ineffective? If the church has the supernatural, why are Christians reading horoscopes and going to psychics? Honestly, do we have faith, or have we become accustom to simply giving lip service to religious ideals? All tough questions, but well worth asking.

I have a few thoughts. First of all, the answer to hypocrisy is always sin. We all sin, even Christians. There is no such thing as a good person; not Hitler, and not Mother Theresa. We certainly applaud Mother Theresa for her humanitarian and spiritual contributions during her life time. However; even she sinned and needed a Savior. The world can certainly use more people that serve others. She is a Christian that "got it." What is sad is that we sit around comparing ourselves to others. You know, we'll always find someone who behaves worse then we do. Even Donald Trump talks about the drunken Miss America as a "good person." I assume that he wants to believe that.

AA works because those who go there have a common goal, to stop drinking. The church might take note, they to have a common goal. Mark 16:15 And He (Jesus) said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." And that's not all, they are to take care of the poor, visit those in jail, bring healing to the sick, support the widows and the be a friend to the downcast. Now that's a common goal!

The verse from Mark brings up that fact that the church requires the presence of a supernatural God. Without it, they are doomed to fail! Only God can heal and empower miracles. Oh sure there are Satan's counterfeits but we don't need to worry about that. If you are not seeing the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22), then I suggest that you look elsewhere; or ask a lot of questions where you are. If you find these things, you are getting warm.

The last key to seeing the church work is relationship, loving relationship. Without it, the church or members will be clanging gongs. As a body we all have a part to play, when it is about one man, one person, it is not going to look like Jesus. I believe that when we really surrender to the "body mentality', real relationship and a hunger for the supernatural God, then we'll see Jesus everywhere. After all He did not come to make bad people good, He came to make dead people live. I believe that's what's really missing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the root of the problem is that we confuse intellectual understanding with belief. The church has exchanged a Hebraic (holistic) mindset for a Greek mindset (dualism). Thoughts must lead to action. Personal responsibility for discipleship is the order of the day. Anything less means a continued disintegration of the moral fabric of our nation. May we all take seriously the Great Commission in this hour.